my thoughts on the pokemon presents (and other stuff) / 3/1/2025

well, that was a surprise, wasnt it?

dont know how else to open this, except that i stayed up all night to see it. personally because i didnt wanna be blasted with the ZA trailer, that i think all of us knew was coming anyway. but there are some other surprises!

anyway, i find it funny that before the presents came out, the pokemon masters stuff already got leaked. so i kind of knew these suits were already coming (i do play the game, im just not super engaged in it. yknow, scummy gacha rates and all). i probably wont be pulling though.

im surprised pokemon concierge is getting more episodes, but its still pretty cool to see. i need to actually watch the series eventually... oh, and pokemon sleep FINALLY having a darkrai and cresselia event is surprising, considering the entire game is based around sleeping and whatnot.

pokemon champions is fineeeee. im just surprised its gonna be a paid title, and more surprised if pokemon showdown doesnt... shutdown, since they seem so similar to concept. i also doubt itd be trying it.

the newest tcgpocket pack got leaked, so we were already expecting it to appear, but its a nice set. and i shouldnt have been too surprised with megas coming back to the cardgame...

but you know what im gonna talk about most, right?

legends Z-A's gameplay and all finally got shown off, and personally? it didnt entirely exceed my expectations, but im still going to be excited for it!

i think its pretty clear how kalos is one of my favorite generations, as basic as i can be with me liking megas. it was just a major shock for the game to be announced, but considering legends arceus... i think this mainline series might be my favorite, as its revisiting regions and whatnot.

i also think the graphics look fine, like way better. i would compare them to sword and shield, but not the wild area... the smaller areas, like the cities ingame, are honestly pretty good looking in swsh! it just reminds me a lot of that. i still find it ridculous to see people complaining online about them because of... something.

graphics are a whole other debate, but i couldnt care less. i can admit that scarletviolet and swordshield didnt look the best, but this seems way better for the switch series. i guess people expected this game to take in the past, but this game takes place in the future... because, you know, AZ having an entire hotel.

AZ and eternal floette is probably my favorite thing from the trailer, including all the mega showoffs and whatnot. im actually fascinated how the story would go with this guy, and the whole company thing. im not gonna lie how im super happy about eternal floette finally coming back... i really want a plush of her...

eternal floette is also apparently one of the only pokemon referred to actual gendered pronouns, which shouldnt sound like a surprise, but its still an interesting fact. i guess shes considered a character like ash's pikachu now?

theres also the protagonist, which.... their designs arent my cup of tea, i think the colors are all over the place. they do look similar to the protags parents in XY, and the professor... itd be funny to think about this games protagonist actually being the child of the XY mom and sycamore. eh, one can dream.

i think urbain and taunie are cute, too! nothing else to say. kind of worried how theyre genderlocked depending on what character the player plays (considering all the nonsense lately) but its not too notable to me. apparently their names come from "urban" and "townie", which makes me interested if they have a different story path? like we're in a giant city and all, so i wouldnt be surprised if theres a story about them fitting in. theres also the worry about like, version differences being put in a solo game like this, and i imagine itd be like legends ZA.

im also suspicious of jett. you can remove those anti-homeless benches. its not hard.

oh, and the starters! i think theyre fine, but im still surprised theres even two johto starters?? my mind is just a jumbled mess, but my take is just "eh, if it works".

i personally wanna pick chikorita, shes adorable, but i might pick tepig for an easier game maybe? because fire type is usually the best type to pick first as a starter, unless you happen to be playing in the first gen. i do think theyre fine, but im still shocked at how theres two johto starters...

im not gonna lie that i really wanted snivy, but id live with it. i think tepigs adorable too!

really not much to say from the trailer, just the gameplay and world its gonna take place in. megas were, of course, coming back, and theres so much i could say... but right now i wanna fall asleep until a rock hits me and i realize its my birthday.

did you also know march 25th is my birthday? you probably know now! i hate the usa