patap2 spiderton "theory" / 11/25/2023
warning for spoilers for all patapon games!so. the dark ones.
everyone in the patapon fandom actually calls them "akumatans" (or my personally dreaded akumapon), which does make sense if you want to differentate them.. makotons akumatan form is called "dark one" too, not really given a special name unlike scorpiton and ragewolf.
the -tan itself actually comes from the game however, thanks to kuwagattan and his suffix. theres another character he mentions at his death however, and only once..

another akumatan, perhaps? another akumatan we never see ingame?
even if we never see this mentioned kumotan, we can make connections to his name. just like kuwagattan, it comes from the direct translations of japanese words.

stag beetles in japanese media is very prominent, and patapon is no exception with beetleton. kuwagata directly translates to stag beetle; with beetletons own name within the first game actually translating to kuwagatton! its pretty obvious if you know whats what.
and with this knowledge, its pretty obvious that kuwagattan from the second game IS beetleton. alongside them both being dekatons and having a similar attitude, its clear. not explicitly stated, but easy to connect the dots., if kuwagattan, gong, and even makoton are in patapon 2.. wheres spiderton? kharma is hardly mentioned, but is spiderton mentioned?just like beetleton, spidertons name is actually kumoton in the japanese version; but changed to spiderton. as il repeat it, kuwagattans name is just carried over from the japanese version with the -tan suffix replacing the -ton..

a small note is that kumo could also mean "cloud", but regarding the context of the game i personally think it means spider in this case (since, yknow, spider helm)

the piece of hiragana is mentioned within the dialogue. its cut and clear about who kumotan is now, but..
why didnt spiderton reappear? kharma got to be in the third game, but not spiderton?a question only a few have asked.. the game itself doesnt really tell you why (outside of the translation of him being uncomforable), he straight up vanishes within the story.

my personal theory is that spiderton didnt come to join the battle with kuwagattan because of kuwagattan himself leaving him to die in the first. maybe kuwagattan had expected him to rejoin in battle, but at whats his metaphorical death bed on the battle field he laments about it. if anything, they have a rocky relationship, but have known each other (as beetleton calls him old mate).

spiderton also calls himself a demonic warrior, compared to beetleton who mightve been some normal ass general beforehand. a lot of the fandom protrays spiderton being normal before the deal with goruru was made, but spiderton specifically is a demonic warrior.. even when he dies, he says hes going back to "his underworld".
the game moreso implies spiderton is a straight up demon, but how would beetleton known him before? when spiderton went back to the underworld, he didnt want to fight again in shame? its a lot to theorize, until you realize that i weirdly care too much about incredibly minor characters that only appear once in a game.
regardless, i think its fun to think about- even if theres gonna be no confirmation about their relationship compared to the amount of people theorizing and discussing the dark heroes, or gong himself..

PS, i want to thank maybe-not-a-robot on tumblr for helping out with translations! im glad to not rely on google translate haha