wouuaaahh you found the (sort of) secret page! this just consists of random shipnames or random pairings i have found (or made up) for some medias i personally enjoy. some pairings here i might not even like, but theyre still here regardless :] this doesnt include pedophilic or incestuous pairings however, for obvious reasons. most of this isnt really organized and are here for fun!
anyone is free to use these shipnames without credit. it doesnt really matter much anyway.. unless you happened to coin one of these names, in which youre free to tell me to credit you!
patapon shipnames
cagedbutterflyshipping OR medarma (priestess meden x queen kharma)
deepertiesshipping OR centuryoldshipping OR slogbuzz (slowmoving slogturtle x gluttonous buzzcrave)
goliathbirdeating OR comebackshipping (rottenlee ravenous x gluttonous buzzcrave)
impostorshipping (gold hoshipon x black hoshipon)
ladybirdshipping (beetleton x gong the hawkeye)
snakecoatshipping (guardira x miss covet hiss)
tragedyshipping (makoton x aiton)
uberheroshipping (catch-all for ships with uberheroes)
worldeggshipping OR heroprincess (hero x patapon princess)
flanshipping OR herohuk (hero x hukmen)
kiprincess (kimen x patapon princess)
watersnakeshipping OR naughtyhiss OR cottonmouthshipping (miss covet hiss x naughtyfins)
spiderbeetle OR enemyterritoryshipping (spiderton x beetleton)
spiderkuwa OR kuwakumo OR beetlekumo (kuwagattan x kumotan, any variants)
de blob shipnames
zipbif (zip x bif)
bifarty (bif x arty)
comrvon (comrade black x dr. von blot)
bodyguardshipping (comrade black x his (unnamed) bodyguards)
spikeyscientist (spikey inky x inky scientist)
blotblob OR experimentshipping (de blob x dr. von blot)
deanruss OR blanccolashipping (dean inky x russian inky)
deanreggie (dean inky x reggie)
happy tree friends shipnames
flippyshipping (catch-all for any flippy ships)
medicationshipping (sniffles x flippy)
smarties OR smartiesshipping OR gummywormshipping (sniffles x nutty)
redvelvetantshipping (sniffles x flaky)
suitcaseshipping (lumpy x the mole)
gravediggingshipping (lumpy x handy)
oakflakesoilshipping OR handtunia (petunia x handy)
red petunias OR redpetuniashipping (giggles x petunia)
confetti OR confettishipping OR sprinkleshipping (flaky x nutty)
gummy eye (flippy x nutty)
trick or treat (lifty x nutty)
dandys world shipnames
mainichor OR polymains (dandy x astro x sprout x vee x shelly)
moonflower (dandy x astro)
detectiveflower OR flowercase OR spyflower OR glassflower (dandy x rodger)
faerieblooming OR beautifulflower OR rainbowbutterfly OR monarchshop OR pollination (dandy x flutter)
angryflower OR petalprawn (dandy x shrimpo)
moonmystery OR moondetective (astro x rodger)
crustellar (astro x shrimpo)
midnighttragedy (astro x dazzle)
nightlight (astro x brightney)
nightspirit (astro x connie)
mooncake (astro x cosmo)
afternoontea (astro x teagan)
moonshell (astro x shelly)
ichorberry (sprout x dandy)
fruitcake (sprout x cosmo)
berrydetective OR bakinginvestigation (sprout x rodger)
fruitpunch (sprout x shrimpo)
mirrorberry (sprout x glisten)
balloonberry OR berryfunny (sprout x looey)
slotmachine (vee x gigi)
electropop (vee x poppy)
tvfashion (vee x glisten)
microtissues OR antivirus (vee x tisha)
shellyvision OR browserhistory (vee x shelly)
buggycomputer (vee x flutter)
veestro (vee x astro)
dinostickers (shelly x scraps)
fossilcleaning OR historycleaning (shelly x tisha)
fossilcapsule (shelly x gigi)
historybaking (shelly x cosmo)
gardeningfossil OR flowershell (shelly x dandy)
popmusic (poppy x boxten)
balloonpop (poppy x looey)
popcase (poppy x rodger)
clownbox OR balloonbox (boxten x looey)
berrybox (boxten x sprout)
bakerybusiness (rodger x cosmo)
funnybusiness (rodger x looey)
studylamp (rodger x brightney)
redstring OR plannedhugs OR crimehugs (rodger x goob)
reflectivedetective (rodger x glisten)
musiccase OR musicallens (rodger x boxten)
dramamystery (rodger x razzle & dazzle)
ghostbusters (rodger x connie)
glitterhugs (glisten x goob)
purrfection OR mirrorcat (glisten x scraps)
angryhugs (goob x shrimpo)
fuzzydice (goob x gigi)
bugcollection OR insectcollection (flutter x gigi)
flutterpop (flutter x poppy)
ragebait (finn x shrimpo)
seaglass (finn x glisten)
theflyingdutchman (finn x connie)
sparklingwater (finn x teagan)
shrimptea (teagan x shrimpo)
teacase (teagan x shrimpo)
poppingpearls (teagan x poppy)
circusact (looey x razzle & dazzle)
heliumghost OR hauntedparty OR halloweenparty (looey x connie)
rayman shipnames
magicilla (betilla x ray1 magician)
alestilla (betilla x ales mansay)
monarchfishshipping OR annettinus (annetta fish x grand minimus)
grandmamashipping (big mama x grand minimus)
magicianhatshipping OR alejano (ales mansay x jano)
minigoth OR gothmini (grand minimus x goth teensy)
miniales OR alesmini (grand minimus x ales mansay)
darkmagicshipping OR darkmagician OR aledark (mr. dark x ales mansay)
magiciansroseshipping OR rosesay (ales mansay x teensy queen)
rayqueen (rayman x teensy queen)
countphotazer OR photozoff (count razoff x the photographer)
divorceshipping (joking) OR regretfulpoetryshipping (polokus x muse of the poets)
lymesis OR raymely (raymesis x ly)
rayly OR lyray (rayman x ly)
lytina (ly x betina)