patapon is a game franchise that is rhythm focused, having (in my opinion) a unique way of how it presents its gameplay through its commands. its usually put up to high ground, despite not much people knowing about the game. it also has a unique artstyle, thanks to rolitoland, alongside the patapons themselves being cute and even marketable.
although my site is themed heavily around one of the games antagonists, i am heavily critical of elements many people brush off or simply ignore. ive only been into this game series for a year as im typing this, but i think its a bit dated in how it protrays some elements; ESPECIALLY the story.
"why do you like this game?"
i personally like this game for its easy yet distinictive style at the time it was released. the boss and enemy designs are probably my favorites, such as shookle or dettankarmen! i think the game is very easy to expand on its world, a lot of people not realizing how.. well, political you can make patapon out to be.
"what is your favorite game within the series?"
its a tug-of-war of pata1 or pata2. i think patapon has the better story, but gameplay? i personally enjoy pata2 the most out of the three with how broken the hero unit is at times. if i had to pick which game to replay 100 times, itd be the second.
"whats your favorite character (from each game)?"
i like to call myself the number one spiderton fan, because like.. i dont think much people are as deranged about him like me. beetleton is right next to him, both of them being fun to think about how theyd interact (or have sex i guess)
for the second game, i really enjoy all notable karmen characters despite how fucked up they are instory. alongside princess, they sorta.. deserve better, for me at least. kuwagattan is just iconic in his own way though.
i enjoyed mecha hoshipons screentime and il still stand that theyre my favorite compared to the actually developed characters in this game.. also, theyre quite cute!
"whos your least favorite character?"
im actually not the biggest fan of gong, i find him a bit plain compared to the characters who SEEM to have more personality to him. i dont judge people for loving him though, i think hes easy to latch onto. i personally dont like most of the dark heroes but i dont despise them all. i dont have an exact reason why i dont like buzzcrave or sonarchy, honestly, i think i just dont like them in general.
"whats your favorite boss (in each game)?"
pata1 is iconic for dodonga, but i prefer beasts like shookle, gaeen, and gorl.. i kind of wish gorl was an actual character.
dettankarmen is haunting if you think about them for a bit, as i personally think they arent a demon but moreso a deity created from how the karmens thought of the patapons.. but incanon, its some demon that ormen summons. which is less interesting. for me. centura is also one of my favorites, despite seeming like theyd be a tick more than a spider.
any of pata3s bosses are just reskins and the minibosses are generic as shit, at least for me. the archfiends and arch pandara i actually enjoy, but i wish they werent just "ohh seven deadly sins!" like the dark heroes are.
"whos your favorite uberhero?"
despite my distain for the game, i think the uberheroes are a nice extension of the hero unit! jamsch is one of my favorites in terms of design, but im a filthy tondenga main i suppose. i never stepped into pata3s pvp scene and i dont think i will.
"whats your favorite minigame?"
fah and the popbean plant, from me painfully trying to understand the rhythm of it in the second game, ended up becoming my favorite from just how.. nice it feels, i suppose? popbean herself is adorable. tsun tsukupon and the juice machine have excellent designs in my opinion as well.
"patapon, zigoton, karmen, or ah-ooh?"
if i havent expressed it enough, i think id prefer the karmens getting more depth than any other race ingame.
"do you have any ocs?"
if i go by the numbers of all the karmen ocs i have on toyhouse, probably.. 60? not all my ocs are karmens, but i think thats plenty compared to any other race in the series.
"would you want an official patapon 4?"