a game series one cant even explain, because youd know how much of an impact it had on most of the world. from japan to america, we've all seen that little yellow mouse in our time. like most people, pokemon has been a long running interest of mine; even with the games quality going down the drain.. as someone who loves to delve into merchandise, pokemon is a goldmine of collecting with numberous cute critters to spend my pointless cash on.
ive been a longtime pokemon fan, but moreso enjoying the pokemon themselves as i like to imagine pokemon aus with other fictional characters i enjoy. it is a mixed bag of a series, really, being a rather basic rpg.. but many people, including me, enjoy the series regardless as it was with me through rougher moments in my life.
"what is your favorite mainseries game?"
a mix between usum, bw2 or xy. maybe its obvious to tell what sort of fan i am regarding my tastes, but as broken mega evolution is- il forever miss the concept of it. even if usum fucks up the story of its game (in my opinion, it fucks up lusamines character a tad), i enjoy the updates to the original game such as wormholes and a higher difficulty. bw2 is highly regarded on the internet nowadays, as it feels a nice balance of the 3d and 2d games (also i like unova).
"what is your least favorite mainseries game?"
maybe if this is a common answer, but sword and shield. from the story to few of the designs, i am.. just not a huge fan compared to the older games (and even scarlet and violet, despite being more broken). the main story sort of broke my interest in pokemon for a while until the dlcs, which i personally enjoyed (even if regidraco and regieleki might seem unneccessary additons). if anything, its a mixed bag of a game for me.
"what is your favorite side game?"
i always enjoyed the mystery dungeon games inspite of their difficultly at times (along the story of many being something i got invested in at times), but i wish to play colosseum. im aware i could emulate it, but.. despite me wishing, im a lazy bug.
"what is your favorite type?"
i love bugs, so its a given i like bug type (despite its many weaknesses).. i think steel, electric, and grass types are some of my favorites as well within the series; having notable designs left and right.
"what is your favorite mega evolution?"
i think mawiles and audinos have to be my favorite, as i desire that mega mawile plush.. beedrill, ampharos, altaria and diancie have swell mega evolutions too!
"what is your favorite legendary & mythical?"
i dont have much strong feelings on sinnoh, but ive always loved the lake trio! im also a fan of zygardes 50% form. not many strong feelings on the box legendaries, but yveltals probably my favorite out of the bunch.
for mythicals, i actually like most of them (aside from zarude and zerora).. jirachi and deoxys are my main favorites, but i always enjoy seeing meloetta, genesect, or diancie. not that related, but the movie of volcanion and magearna gave me the vibe that volcanion was butch and magearna femme.. im saying theyre lesbians, alright?
"what is your favorite starter of each region?"
i actually enjoy wartortles design, but itd probably be bulbasaur for me. nothing else to say, as i dont have much deep feelings.
chikorita and cyndaquil i enjoy the designs of much more compared to its kanto cousins, with cyndaquil reminding me of an echidna! the evolution line im not a huge fan of myself, but chikorita is adorable in their own respective line.
mudskip carried me through my playthrough of omega ruby, but i doubt so within the actual hoenn games.. i have a soft spot for swampert and the rest of the mudkip line because of that.
i like piplup for the sole reason of being a penguin, and how regal the evolutions become. i dont feel so strongly about sinnohs starters, however..
snivy is one of my favorite starters of all time, being a smug and sleek snake. despite grass type not being the best type, i always try to pick snivy as my starter within the unova games. oshawott gets an honorable mention, but i think tepig is also alright as a brawler fire fighting pokemon.
ive always loved chespin, and i still will. theyre basically a weird walking walnut, and i could never forget its shiny being a bright red.. fennekin gets an honorable mention as well, i personally enjoy the magical wizard theme the line went with!
i dont have much strong thoughts on the alola starters ironically enough, but i like popplio for becoming a clown to a beautiful singer. i dont think i can bring myself to hate them all.
for galar, i.. dont like the starters so much. i think grookeys and scorbunnys evolution lines are kind of lame (or at least not for me) with sobbles being one i liked out of the free.. but i still hadnt enjoyed them so much.
paldea i feel had better starter designs, but maybe thats just my bias. i really liked sprigatito becoming a magician of sorts, being my first choice when i booted up the game without the knowledge of the starters themselves!
"what is your favorite regional form?"
i think i forgot to mention that i find sandshrews line adorable, so the regionals i adore. i think galar actually had some good regional forms, such as corsola and stunfisk. the hisui variants like lilligant and avalugg i liked the moment i saw them.
"do you have any favorite pokemon in general?"
because of how many that exist out there, its hard to pinpoint a favorite for me. ive always loved joltik and its evolution, but pokemon such as swirlix, clauncher, magnemite, and now even tarountula will always be up there for me.
"what is your favorite shiny?"
i think claunchers shiny is honestly excellent for being fried shrimp (in a way), but sandygasts shiny referencing black sand is incredible. swirlixes shiny reminds me of chocolate, my favorite sweet, so its a natural favorite for me!
"have you played any fangames?"
obviously, i have. i remember being on roblox rp games and seeing people mention delta pokemon and the fangame titled insurgence, so i ran to play it.. never beat it however, due to me loosing interest. maybe il finish it someday.
"whats your favorite unown?"
? is incredible in everyway.